This was the main line of a Bollywood film, Rowdy Ranthorpe, which I watched in Coimbatore with my Joshy. The film itself was hilarious. Obviously as dramatic as always and weirdly extra sexual. Or maybe that was just my English opinion.
We decided to treat ourselves by getting a rather large feast to take with us inside the cinema. This included: a large salted popcorn (of course!), a large drink, a chocolate brownie, a chocolate ice cream, a butterscotch ice cream and a chocolate doughnut. Yeah, discustingly good? I know!
I’m sure no one was surprised to know that most of the popcorn managed to find itself away from my mouth and onto the floor instead. Unfortunately there was further drama. Josh may have made a rather loud comment to the floored popcorn, comparing me to a small child given that earlier that day I managed to get a juice moustache across my top lip. In his classicly condescending Josh voice, I found it laughable. It was just inconvenient for me that he said it just as I swallowed some Pepsi. With nowhere for the Pepsi to go it MAY have ended up trickling from my nose. And by trickle I mean shoot. I would love to deny that such a situation ever happened, but there was no way of hiding it, especially when Josh questioned if what he thought he saw just happen, actually happened. I ran to the nearest toilet to cover it up but it was too late. The damage was done and my English reputation was ruined.
I must admit that I’ve done some pretty unclassy things in my life, but this was pretty low, even by my standards!