Where ya Goan?

As previously stated, Goa was not on my list of places. If anything, it was on my list of places to not visit. But bored of the haggling and stress, here I find myself in Goa in search of Westerners, peace and relaxation on a beautiful beach.

Okay, so I found all of what I was searching for and so much more. I was unaware that Goa was just a location for drunken foreigners to take as many drugs as possible and to have sex with anyone in their grasp. I wasn’t completely oblivious to this but I just didn’t think it would be as strong and in your face as it is.

When it came to drugs, anything was available. You name it, you can find a man who’s willing to give it to you. And a part of me really appreciated the fact that it was a drug filled area and not even for reasons such as wanting to take every one under the sun, but for the fact that everyone was so laid back about everything because of this. There was no stress. People were always so chilled, kind and here was never a need to rush. The main reason for this being that cannabis was something one would smoke before breakfast and then onwards throughout the day as frequently as the average Indian uses their horn on the roads (which is a huge amount!). it’s why people are so slow and laid back – They are always too high to function at any other speed.

To me this was great. Pure bliss. Just what I was after. And it was due to this that my original plan of staying 2 nights led to me staying 2 weeks!

Throughout the duration of my stay in Goa I did have mixed feelings about the place. Obviously, I adored it for all the reasons mentioned above. However, it was also like a typical trip to Ibiza for a lads or ladettes summer holiday. The majority of the people I met struck me as the sort who have gone for a ‘piss up holiday’ with friends annually since the age of 18. This being their stop of 2012. And it was this aspect that I did not like to an extent. Immediately, I’m ashamed to admit, it was the norm for everyone to wake up in the afternoon, start drinking and playing games in groups which could easily extend to over 25 people across several tables. This would then continue till the sun would appear to which you would be  picking yourselves up off the sandy beaches and trail back to the nearest floor or bed you can find, just to do it all over again.

It was tiring and horrible. Each day after you finally managed to get yourself up, showered and fed, you would just lie together in a pathetic and weak row on the beach trying to make the most of the sun which you struggle  to be able to see all that much given the (horrid) drink-filled activities everyone will be occupying the rest of the day with instead.

Unfortunately I did jump on this alcoholic wagon for the duration of my stay and I’m not proud to say or admit that I did actually have a bloody good time doing so as well. I saw it as a holiday from travelling, which might sound completely absurd but travelling can actually be tough work sometimes!

So the tales of Goa (which I never intended to do or share) begin…